Orkney Isles Marine Services

Below you will find a selection of marine services in the area which are recommended by the HarbourGuides.com team.

Details & Reviews (0)W I Rendall Car Hire & Taxi Service
Car Hire, Taxi
Westray Car Hire. For more information, call the shop on Westray 677389 or email sjegroat@talk21.com

Address: W I Rendall, Pierowall, Westray Orkney Isles, KW17 2DH

Phone: 01857 677389 - Website - Map
Details & Reviews (2)Sea Gear Supplies
Chandlery, Fishing Nets, Fishing Tackle, Mantus Anchors
Sea Gear Supplies started in 1996 and is run by Colin, with assistance from Lisa, John, Kirsty, Christine and Jocky. We are based in the Orkney Isles and provide a personalised service whilst keeping prices down. Sea Gear recently became a Limited company. We supply the local fishing, agricultural, marine renewables and construction industries, and the owners of recreational craft. Sea Gear Supplies has built up a vast range of products from an extensive network of suppliers.
We have just become the UK distributor for Mantus anchors and will sell wholesale or to private customers. We are now in the position where we are able to supply our products throughout the United Kingdom at very competitive prices. We have a few products which are available to buy online, and will add to them as time permits. If you do not see what you are looking for, have a look at the product catalogues we have available for download or viewing online or contact us, as we can usually source it for you. View a 360° tour

Address: Sea Gear Supplies, Upper Crantit Road, St. Ola, Orkney Islands, KW15 1RW

Phone: 01856 87175 - Email - Website - Map
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