Isle of Wight Ryde Pilot Notes & Charts

Pilot notes are meant as a general guide, or for use in conjunction with a Pilot book or chart.

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VHF ch 80 or 01983 613879

When entering Ryde Harbour from the east, stay north of the No Mans Land Fort and the SW Mining ground buoy until the Holy Trinity Church spire bears 196°. And continue the bearing until you pick up the port and starboard channel markers and stay between them into the harbour

When entering from the west stay north of Ryde pier and carry on east until you get a bearing of 196° and continue the bearing until you pick up the port and starboard channel markers and stay between them into the harbour.

Please note that Ryde and its approach dry out well before Low Water so 2 hours before or after HW is most likely but do check your tidal heights. If your not sure one hour either side of High Water would be a safer option. HW is the same as Portsmouth and minimum depth is only suitable for vessels with a draft of 1.5m or less.


Please use channel 68, monitered by the Harbour Office and Berthing Masters on the Water.

The harbour entrance can become very congested (more so in summer weekends) vessels must adhere to the 4 knots speed limit within the harbourand river and 6 knots elsewhere within harbour limits.

If the “HARBOUR FULL” sign and signal is displayed do not attempt to enter the harbour. Yarmouth is accessible at all states of tide. Waypoint 50°42’.58N 01°29’.92W

HW 1 Hour before Portsmouth(springs) 5 minutes after(neaps). Minimum depth 2 metres.


When entering from the east you should stay north of the Fairway buoy off the Yarmouth Pier and head west until you can actually see the west side of the pier. Keep a lookout for the ferries. Turn to 187° and carry on between the pier and the eastern end of the seawall.


When entering from the west you should stay north of the Black Rock buoy which is in the middle of Yarmouth Bay and head for the end of Yarmouth Pier. When you can clearly see the ferry terminal you can head straight in.


Access to Bembridge : Dries at Low Water

High Water: 20 minutes after Portsmouth neaps and springs

Marina and pontoons minimum depth are dredged to 2M

The foreshore at Bembridge extends out quite a long way so you should approach Saint Helens Fort from the north. This should bring you to the Tide Gauge. There are numerous racing marks and these can be ignored. The water height can be read off the gauge if this is ok head for and stay close to the red and green can markers. The channel does twist and turn quite a bit. Once inside the, visitor pontoons and marina are to the right and if you wish to dry out on the beach you should turn left.

Pilot Maps
Ryde Harbour Isle Of White
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