Pilot notes are meant as a general guide, or for use in conjunction with a Pilot book or chart.
There are 70 yellow visitors' mooring buoys, and it is possible to raft up on these in good weather. Mooring fees are £20 per day and £5 per day for anchorage. All other mooring buoys are private, and should not be used without permission from the Harbour Master. The anchorage in the middle of the bay has good holding ground in sand, but there are areas of rock and weed. Towards the entrance of the harbour, the bottom is generally more rocky.
Because of the tidal range at Springs (up to 6.9m), a good scope of anchor line should be used, especially if anchoring in shoal areas. It is not permitted to anchor in the Fairway or close to Braye Jetty, or to tie up to Braye Jetty.
Facilities around the Harbour
Puffin Friendly Zone Pilot Notes
There is a marine exclusion zone between March and August, named the "Puffin Friendly Zone", off the south-east coast of Burhou, an island situated to the north-west of Alderney. The zone covers the south-east bay situated between the triangular rock to the south of Burhou hut and the next headland to the east. The Puffin Friendly Zone is in place to protect the largest population of Atlantic puffins in the Channel Islands during their breeding season.
Marine users are kindly asked:
• Not to enter this zone.
• Keep your speed under 10 knots when close to Burhou.
•Try drifting by in the tide, keeping noise to a minimum and the birds will come out to visit you.
•Do not force the birds to fly.
Posters outlining the zone are displayed around Alderney Harbour, within the Harbour Office and at the Alderney Wildlife Trust shop (located on Victoria Street in Saint Anne).
For more information, please contact the Alderney Wildlife Trust.
Email: ramsar@alderneywildlife.org
Phone: +44(0)1481 822935
The Harbour Master is Mark Gaudion. The harbour office is at the south west end of the harbour, near the entrance to Little Crabby Harbour. The Dinghy pontoon, dinghy slipway, showers, toilets, laundrette, chandlers and a skip for rubbish are all nearby; the laundrette is in the same building as the showers, and uses £1 coins - both are open 24 hours a day in the summer, but the showers are closed in the winter.
A water taxi service is in operation.
Visit Mainbrayce for Water Taxi or call CH M1 (37) CH 80 or call +44 77 81 41 54 20