Harbourguides are now in the process of updating our ever popular 2019 Harbour Guide. Although used by thousands of yachtsmen all over Europe, now more and more general visitors are using our guides, and one of the most popular sections is our food and drink information.
We scour the restaurants, bars, takeaways etc. looking for the best to feature for our visitors. Unlike other advertising medias, we don’t allow any old business to be included. We make sure first that our Harbourguides Crew feel comfortable recommending each service.
Because of this, you can rest assured that if you choose any of the restaurants and bars our crew have vetted them first and you won’t be disappointed. So if you are looking for a good food guide to Guernsey, look no further and head over to our food and drink pages in the knowledge that you will be in for something special.
If you have a restaurant, or any other business that you would like to be featured on one of our guides, drop us a line and we will get back to you.
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