Hartlepool Marine Services

Below you will find a selection of marine services in the area which are recommended by the HarbourGuides.com team.

Details & Reviews (0)Hartlepool Marine Supplies
Chandlery, Marine Clothing, Marine Electronics
Hartlepool Marine Supplies
“HMS” & “Nautical World” are part of Hartlepool Marine Supplies. We are a long established “Traditional” Marine supplies company.

We hold the largest selection of “Marine Equipment and Nautical Giftware” in Northern England.

Address: Unit 3D Tofts Industrial estate, Brenda Road, Hartlepool, TS25 2BQ

Phone: +44 1429 862932 Fax: +44 1429 865427 - Email - Website - Map
RYA Courses, Sailing Training Courses
Coastwise is based in Hartlepool, and offers both shorebased and motor cruising practical courses from the RYA Training Scheme as well as advice and flexible tuition according to need for both leisure and commercial vessel operators.

RYA Shorebased courses include
- Basic Navigation & Safety
- Day Skipper
- Yachtmaster Offshore
- SRC/VHF Radio
- Radar
- Diesel Engine

RYA Practical motor cruising courses include
- Helmsman
- Day Skipper
- Coastal Skipper
- International Cert of Competence ( I.C.C.)

The centre is also able to arrange examination for RYA Advanced Powerboat, Coastal Skipper, Yachtmaster Offshore, ICC, CEVNI and SRC/VHF radio certificates of competence.

Address: Coastwise, 46 Navigation Point, Hartlepool Marina, TS24 0UQ

Phone: 07770 622946 - Email - Website - Map
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