VENDEE GLOBE-Loick Peyron out of race
Friday December 12th, 2008

It has been announced that veteran skipper Loïck Peyron has been forced to abandon his Vendee Globe bid due the incident reported earlier this week in Harbourguides News when his boat, Gitana Eighty, was dis-masted. Peyron is now deciding by which method he should return to port. As things stand he should be able to make a jury rig from the remaining boom but will have to consider very carefully which route to take.
Peyron, who is the only skipper in this year’s race to have taken part in the first ever Vendee Globe, said “Naturally I’m disappointed that things have ended this way, but the disappointment is collective. I am sorry for Ariane and Benjamin de Rothschild, the LCF Rothschild Group and of course the members of Gitana Team, who’ve worked so hard on this fine boat.”
A sad day at sea indeed.
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