Sunday May 24th, 2009
ImageBermuda Triangle
It makes people disappear
Bermuda Triangle
Don't go too near… Barry Manilow (1980)
One of the most infamous of the ocean’s legends is the Bermuda Triangle (or Devil’s Triangle) a vast area off the SE Atlantic Coast of the USA. The area is notorious for its high incidence of inexplicable disappearances of ocean going vessels and aircraft. The corners of the Bermuda Triangle are reported to be Bermuda; Miami, Florida; and San Juan, Puerto Rico. It is not however recognised by The US Board of Geography, nor does the US Navy think it exists.
The most famous loses to the B.T. are USS Cyclops in March 1918, Flight 19 in December 1945 and SS Marine Sulphur Queen in February 1963. None of these are thought of as suspicious by the relevant investigating bodies.
Despite all the officialdom there are still plenty of people out there who believe that The Bermuda Triangle is a bona fide phenomenon. They claim that many of the disappearances fall outside the boundaries of natural disasters, technical failures or human error. The area is believed to be a hotbed of paranormal activity, a place where the laws of physics don’t always apply and an area frequented by extra terrestrial visitors. All this despite the insistence by numerous official agencies that the numbers and circumstances of disappearances are on a par with many other similar areas of the world’s oceans. Regardless of these claims there are numerous incidents that remain unexplained despite extensive investigation.
Explanations range from acts of piracy to the strong currents caused by the Gulf Stream, freak storms to fatal mistakes. Many researchers, including Ernest Taves and Barry Singer have been obliged to point out that, “Mysteries and the paranormal are very popular and profitable. This has led to the production of vast amounts of material on topics such as the Bermuda Triangle.”

This opinion is supported by Lawrence David Kusche, a research librarian from Arizona State University and author of The Bermuda Triangle Mystery: Solved (1975), who concluded, “The Legend of the Bermuda Triangle is a manufactured mystery… perpetuated by writers who either purposely or unknowingly made use of misconceptions, faulty reasoning, and sensationalism.”

Regardless of the dark legend the Bermuda Triangle remains on of the most heavily sailed shipping lanes in the world, frequented daily by hundreds of vessels from US, European and Caribbean Islands. In the same respect it is has an awful lot of air traffic too. Which tells you one thing. It may be a scary place where we all think we’re going to die but it doesn’t stop half the world wanting to holiday there. Such is human nature…. Take it away Barry!!!
Bermuda Triangle
It makes people disappear
Bermuda Triangle
Don't go too near
But look
At it from my angle
And you'll see why I'm so glad
Now Bermuda Triangle
Not so bad!
Bermuda Triangle
It makes people disappear
Bermuda Triangle
Don't go too near
But look
At it from my angle
And you'll see why I'm so glad
Now Bermuda Triangle
Not so bad!
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