Saturday April 11th, 2009
2lbs lean diced lamb
4 large cloves garlic crushed and chopped finely
1 small pot plain yoghurt
teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
tablespoon lemon juice
wooden skewers
Assorted salad leaves
2 large tomatoes, sliced
4oz feta cheese
three bacon rashers
cup of walnuts
olive oil
also pita bread
First you have to make your marinade. That’s easy just mix together the yoghurt, garlic, pepper and lemon juice (you can also add fresh mint). Then place lamb in the marinade and mix together making sure the meat is coated. Cover with cling-film and leave to infuse for at least three hours (24 is better) somewhere cool. Makes sure that you shake the mixture every hour or so to keep meat coated as the marinade will be absorbed.
1 hour before you intend to eat grill the bacon until crispy but not burnt. Also toast the walnuts for two minutes making sure they don’t burn. Set aside both to cool. Rip up your leaves, dice the feta and place in a bowl with the tomatoes mixing thoroughly. Chop the bacon into small pieces and break up the walnuts. Add both to the salad and stir in. Drizzle over plenty of olive oil and set to one side for half an hour, tossing occasionally.
Drain off as much excess marinade from the lamb as possible (you may even want to rinse it but it’s better a bit rough). Put meat onto skewers near to the blunt end, being careful not to over fill each one. Place kebabs under a warm grill and cook slowly, turning constantly until they begin to brown. Remove from grill. And allow to stand for two or three minutes. Meantime warm the pita bread under the grill so it soften and becomes easy to split wrap it all in a clean dry dishcloth to keep warm and soft. Turn grill right down and reheat the kebabs for a minute or two (or until they begin to blacken slightly). Remove from grill. Serve everything together with chilled white wine.
Top tip… always soak wooden skewers in water before using them. That way they won’t burn.
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