Thursday January 22nd, 2015
Well, it didn’t last long, the “no more topless models” on the Suns page three. Todays (Thursday 22nd) shows a topless model cheekily winking, ending all the speculation that the bare breasted models were a thing of the past on page three.
The Sun tweeted out a message along with the picture, adding:
“Further to recent reports in all other media outlets, we would like to clarify that this is Page 3 and this is a picture of Nicole, 22, from Bournemouth.
“We would like to apologise on behalf of the print and broadcast journalists who have spent the last two days talking and writing about us.”
You gotta hand it to The Sun, they really know how to get publicity, and all us suckers fell for it. Ah well, at least page three is back.
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