Harbourguides are delighted to announce that we will be compiling a harbour/visitor guide for Campbeltown. The Harbour has recently redeveloped, improved and expanded the pontoon facilities, so the Harbourguides crew will be visiting the brand new marina to start compiling our guide.
The improvements to both berthing and on-shore is sure to attract more pleasure craft to the marina, bringing in revenue to the rest of the town.
And it’s not just the small family cruisers that are welcome, it can accommodate boats of up to 33m and a draught of 3m.
We aim to start the guide later this year, so if you have a business in or around the Campbeltown area, expect a call from us in the near future so we can send someone round and give you a demonstration on why being part of the guide can benefit you.
Look forward to seeing you all
Harbourguides Crew
There is little information on the guide at the moment but you can view it and its progress by following thw link below:
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