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Weather & Tides
Tonight - Thick Cloud
Minimum: 7C, Wind Direction: Easterly
Wind: Moderate 4mph, Pressure: 1022mb, Sunset: 18:01 EET
Friday - Light Cloud
Maximum: 13C, Minimum: 7C
Wind: 5mph Northerly, Visibility: Moderate, Pollution: -- , Sunrise: 07:23 EET, Sunset: 18:03 EET
Saturday - Sunny Intervals
Maximum: 14C, Minimum: 7C
Wind: 5mph Westerly, Visibility: Moderate, Pollution: -- , Sunrise: 07:22 EET, Sunset: 18:04 EET

No tidal data is available for this location

Comments (1)
29/05/2015 @ 7:23 pm
Whera I can find propeller for Evinrude 3 model 3038 in Thessalloniki.I crashed my propeller.EFHARISTO
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