St Ives
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Weather & Tides
Tonight - Partly Cloudy
Minimum: 10C, Wind Direction: Southerly
Wind: Good 7mph, Pressure: 1025mb, Sunset: 16:20 GMT
Wednesday - Light Rain
Maximum: 13C, Minimum: 13C
Wind: 23mph Southerly, Visibility: Moderate, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 08:05 GMT, Sunset: 16:20 GMT
Thursday - Heavy Rain
Maximum: 14C, Minimum: 10C
Wind: 23mph South Westerly, Visibility: Moderate, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 08:07 GMT, Sunset: 16:20 GMT
No tidal data is available for this location
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Battery Chargers, Boat Fenders, Books & Charts, Chandlery, Liferafts & Lifejackets, Marine Clothing, Marine Electronic Equipment, Marine Electronics, Marine Safety Equipment, Online Chandlers
Online Chandlery and chandlery established in 1946 based in St.Ives supplying boating equipment direct to your door or boat.