Royal Albert Dock

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Weather & Tides
Today - Sunny
Maximum: 7C, Minimum: 1C
Wind: 9mph Easterly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 07:09 GMT, Sunset: 17:21 GMT
Wednesday - Sunny Intervals
Maximum: 9C, Minimum: 7C
Wind: 7mph South Easterly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 07:07 GMT, Sunset: 17:22 GMT
Thursday - Light Rain
Maximum: 13C, Minimum: 11C
Wind: 13mph Southerly, Visibility: Moderate, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 07:05 GMT, Sunset: 17:24 GMT

No tidal data is available for this location

Comments (1)
15/09/2011 @ 8:45 am
There is quite a lot of activity around Albert Dock . you need to get someone down here soon, lots of new business;s

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You searched for: in Royal Albert Dock

Details & Reviews (0)Gallions Point Marina
Situated in "London Docklands" Gallions Point Marina offers a great starting point for local and extended cruising for beginners and experienced yachtsmen.

Put your mind at ease!
Leave your vessel in a safe marina staffed by competent professional people dedicated to look after your craft and all your boating needs.

Address: Gate 14, Royal Albert Basin, Woolwich Manor Way, North Woolwich, E16 2NJ

Phone: 020 7476 7054 - Email - Website - Map
Details & Reviews (0)Tai Pan Chinese Restaurant
Tai Pan Chinese Restaurant
Tai Pan offers authentic Chinese cuisine
Whatever type of occasion, formal, parties or you're a regular -
Tai Pan has all the ingredients to make your celebration a success.
A Five times winner of the 'Dockland's Good Food Awards'',
including great service. Sit back and relax with family and friends at Tai Pan.

The Unlimited Eating Experience
Choose From Our Extensive Menu
Everything Cooked To Order
Adult £14.50 per person
Children under 12 £7.50 per peson
Drinks Not Included

Address: 665 Commercial Road, London, E14 7LW

Phone: 0207 791 0118/9 Fax: 0207 702 7851 - Website - Map
Details & Reviews (0)5th Deck Restaurant
Accommodation, Bars & Inns, Restaurants
5th Deck Restaurant
Though permanently moored, The Sunborn Yacht Hotel does its best to recreate the ambience of an ocean-going cruise liner, complete with gold banisters, thick patterned carpets & frosted glass wall panels. The fifth & uppermost deck harbours the hotel restaurant, which serves up dishes such as seared scallops & tiger prawns on confit plum tomatoes followed by guinea fowl wrapped in Parma ham with sautéed potatoes, with passionfruit bavarois with raspberry coulis to finish. The canopied alfresco area at the rear of the dining room is the best spot to sit & the views on to the water are a treat.

Address: The Sunborn Yacht Hotel at Excel,, Royal Victoria Dock,, London, E16 1XL

Phone: 020 7059 9100 - Email - Website - Map
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