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Weather & Tides
Tonight - Clear Sky
Minimum: 13C, Wind Direction: Southerly
Wind: Good 7mph, Pressure: 1014mb, Sunset: 18:05 EET
Sunday - Light Rain Showers
Maximum: 17C, Minimum: 10C
Wind: 9mph Southerly, Visibility: Moderate, Pollution: -- , Sunrise: 07:13 EET, Sunset: 18:06 EET
Monday - Sunny
Maximum: 18C, Minimum: 10C
Wind: 5mph Northerly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: -- , Sunrise: 07:12 EET, Sunset: 18:07 EET

No tidal data is available for this location

Odyseas Marina is the premier marina facility for yachts within the Ionian Sea and the centerpiece in Greece's incomparable portfolio of yachting destinations. Located alongside the scenic Vathy Village on Meganisi Island, and surrounded by destination legends such as Ithaca Island, Corfu Island, Cephalonia Island, Lefkas Island, and Scorpios Island of the Greek Tycoon, Aristoteles Onassis. The spectacular facility encompasses a 68-slip all-yacht marina complemented by the unmatched dining, relaxing day and exiting night life, recreational amenities and a fully professional and well trained personnel for your safety and piece of mind. The Marina on Meganisi Island offers world-class amenities including side-to berthing for yachts up to 100 feet; and foot concrete docks and piers. Services include, beautifully designed marina facilities dedicated for guests including comprehensive nautical provisioning, catering, laundry, and ships’ chandlery, as well as an onsite tennis court and basketball court. Diesel and Petrol are available on site and in and around the marina there are many choices for gourmet restaurants, exquisite Greek cuisine and traditional tavernas. For the night walkers, there are bars and cafeterias to relax and enjoy a refreshing cocktail after long and hot day at the sea.
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