Lough Neagh

Local Businesses
Weather & Tides
Today - Sunny
Maximum: 8C, Minimum: 0C
Wind: 9mph South Easterly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 08:06 GMT, Sunset: 17:13 GMT
Friday - Sunny Intervals
Maximum: 6C, Minimum: 1C
Wind: 11mph Easterly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 08:04 GMT, Sunset: 17:15 GMT
Saturday - Sunny Intervals
Maximum: 6C, Minimum: -1C
Wind: 6mph Easterly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 08:02 GMT, Sunset: 17:17 GMT

No tidal data is available for this location


Craigavon (population 78,200) is a new town in northeast Armagh beside the southern shores of Lough Neagh. It encompasses Portadown, Lurgan and the central Brownlow area. It boasts several specialist business parks and is connected to Northern Irelands' highly developed STAR communications network.


The southern shores of Lough Neagh are nearby, and situated here are the Oxford Island National Nature Reserve, a marina, and the Lough Neagh Discovery Centre, which is an interprative centre for Lough Neagh.

Craigavon Watersport Centre is situated beside the lake.
Tel: +44 28 38342669.

Craigavon Golf & Ski Centre in Silverwood, Lurgan, has an outdoor artificial ski slope as well as golf and pitch & putt courses.

There are several public parks and leisure centres in the area.

There are three golf clubs: Lurgan Demesne (+44 28 38322087), Portadown (+44 28 38355356) and Silverwood in Lurgan (+44 28 38326606).


Belfast is 30 miles away on the M1. there are nine Ulsterbus buses a day travelling between Armagh and Belfast that stop in Portadown. The Belfast-Dublin train stops at Portadown and runs eight times a day. There is a more frequent train service serving Belfast from Portadown that also stops at Lurgan.

Useful Contacts

Craigavon Bus Station 028 38342511
Lurgan Train Station 028 38322052
Portadown Bus Station 028 38351422
Ulsterbus www.ulsterbus.co.uk
NIR Travel Shop 028 90230671
Lurgan RUC Station 028 38325144
Craigavon RUC Station 028 38325144

Comments (2)
22/09/2023 @ 9:00 am
Algae blooms on Lough Neagh
My daughter lives very close to Hartbeespoort Dam just north of Johannesburg , a huge dam , home to Pretoria Sailing club , which suffers constantly from both water hyacinth , and also more recently Green/blue algae blooms which have the same effect as the one you are presently experiencing.
They are in contact with Rhodes University Grahamstown in the EasternCape, South Africa, who have a renowned centre for biological control , and have been having some success recently in relation to problems of this sort .
If this is of help - their email is communications@ru.ac.za
I hope this might be of some help.
Best wishes, Pat Burgess , Donaghadee
19/08/2013 @ 7:45 am
Philip Ryan
Can you let me know What is happening with the Marina, the site seems to be available and answering machine?
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Business Reviews (5)
20/05/2024 @ 9:34 am
Sandy Bay Marina by Alan
Is there a ferry from the marina to Rams Island, and if so what are the sailing times/prices etc.

22/10/2022 @ 11:38 am
Sandy Bay Marina by Chris robinson
Do they still operate the jetski hire from here
08/08/2022 @ 10:12 am
Sandy Bay Marina by HG CREW
Sandy Bay Marina
Hi Mark. We have a number for Sandy Bay Marina it is 07849087729 Its probably best to call them direct to ask the question.
Harbourguides Crew
06/08/2022 @ 4:55 pm
Sandy Bay Marina by Mark sloan
I’m looking a price for mooring a 26 feet motorboat for the year?
Regards mark
06/08/2022 @ 4:54 pm
Sandy Bay Marina by Mark sloan
I’m looking a price for mooring a 26 feet motorboat for the year?
Regards mark

You searched for: in Lough Neagh

Details & Reviews (5)Sandy Bay Marina
Sandy Bay Marina
A new 60 berth marina has just been opened by Sandy Bay Marina Ltd at 17a Shore Road, Lough Neagh opposite Rams Island. Located only three miles from the A26 (Airport Road) heading west on the Lough Road this is a very picturesque part of Northern Ireland often overlooked. Rams Island, with it's historical stone tower, has recently had it's infrastructure enchanced for tourism and is the ideal destination for a nature lover's day out - sight-seeing trips are being operated from the new marina.

In addition planning permission for holiday homes overlooking the marina has been granted and this phase of the development should be starting soon. Currently, there are a limited number of boat berths available to the public on a first come/first served basis at a special opening rate of £450 per year. Also available to let is a newly constructed 2000 sq.ft. workshop presenting a lucrative opportunity for a boat sales and repair business.

Address: 17 A Shore Road, Lough Neagh, Glenavy, BT28 2LQ

Phone: 07849087729 - Website - Map
Details & Reviews (0)Kinnego Marina
Kinnego Marina is the largest marina on Lough Neagh and the main excess point to the lough on its southern shore.
The marina has 191 berths for boats of all sizes and an extensive boat park for dry land storage.
The centre offers courses in boat handling, jet skiing, navigation, marine radio, water safety and first aid as well as providing facilities for the Kinnego Bushcraft Centre.
Why not relax at the Galley Café and enjoy a meal in the stunning surroundings of Oxford Island and Kinnego Bay.

Address: Oxford Island, Lurgan, Craigavon, Co. Armagh, BT66 6NJ

Phone: (028) 3832 7573 - Email - Website - Mobile: 07774 811248 - Map
Details & Reviews (0)Waterline Marine
Boat Sales-Power, Chandlery, Marine Engineers

Address: Kinnego Marina, Annaloiste Rd, Craigavon, BT66 6NJ

Phone: +44 28 3834 3911 Fax: +44 28 3834 4904 - Email - Website - Map
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