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Weather & Tides
Today - Light Cloud
Maximum: 6C, Minimum: 3C
Wind: 11mph Easterly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 07:54 GMT, Sunset: 17:28 GMT
Thursday - Light Cloud
Maximum: 5C, Minimum: 3C
Wind: 14mph Easterly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 07:52 GMT, Sunset: 17:30 GMT
Friday - Drizzle
Maximum: 6C, Minimum: 4C
Wind: 11mph South Easterly, Visibility: Moderate, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 07:50 GMT, Sunset: 17:32 GMT

No tidal data is available for this location

Kilmore Quay Port has
recently undergone major
development and is now
one of Ireland's premier
fishing and leisure harbours.

It is the ideal port of refuge
for pleasure craft of all
types and is becoming a
fashionable and regular
destination for all cruising

The port is managed by
Wexford County Council and
is a model to all local authorities on how to develop such a resource.

The fact that a busy fishing port and a thriving marina can co-exist in harmony is a tribute to the resilience and hospitality of all in the local community.
We welcome all our visitors and assure you of a happy, safe and enjoyable stay.
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You searched for: in Kilmore

Details & Reviews (0)Neptune Deckhouse Restaurant

Address: Kilmore Quay, Wexford, Ireland

Phone: (053)29804 - Map
Details & Reviews (0)The Talbot Hotel
The Talbot Hotel
The Talbot Hotel in the heart of Wexford Town dates back to 1905. The Talbot is situated on the water's edge where guests can savour and enjoy the superb maritime views. The new look Talbot Hotel is now one of the largest hotels in the South East of Ireland.

Address: On the Quay, Wexford, Ireland

Phone: + 353 53 9122566 Fax: + 353 53 9123377 - Email - Website - Map
Details & Reviews (0)Baltimore Yacht Charters
Baltimore Yacht Charters
This part of the south west coast of Ireland is dotted with islands, many of which are now uninhabited, perfect for peaceful sailing holidays. Others, including Cape Clear, Sherkin and Heir Islands, have ferry access to the mainland.

The Fastnet Rock, west of Cape Clear, is Ireland's most southerly lighthouse and marks the halfway point in the famous biannual Fastnet Race for yachts.

Castletownshend, Schull, Goleen and Crookhaven are just some of the West Cork towns and villages to which Inishbeg sails on day charters. On weekend sailing holidays, Bantry, Glengarriff and Bere Island are within easy reach. Cruising further north to the Skelligs and Dingle is possible if you have a week or more aboard the yacht.

Your sailing holiday in West Cork, Ireland will be aboard Inishbeg, a brand new Bavaria 50, the flagship of the Bavaria range. A 50-footer, Inishbeg is designed for comfort and performance. Accommodation on board is luxurious and the safety, communications and navigation technology is top of the range

Address: Baltimore, Co. Cork, Ireland

Phone: +353 (0)87 273 8368 - Email - Website - Map
Details & Reviews (0)Hardware & Marine Supplies

Address: Kilmore qy, Wexford, Ireland

Phone: (053)29791 - Map
Details & Reviews (0)Kilmore Quay Marina

Address: Kilmore Quay, Co Wexford, Ireland

Phone: + 353 53 29955 Fax: + 353 53 29915 - Email - Website - Map
