Brixham Pilot Notes & Charts

Pilot notes are meant as a general guide, or for use in conjunction with a Pilot book or chart.

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When planning a visit to either enclosed harbour in Tor Bay, it’s always advisable to radio ahead on vhf channel 14 to check availability of visitor berthing, especially during busy weekends in the summer season or during large maritime events.
You’ll find useful information about Tor Bay Harbour and the approaches to the three enclosed harbours of Torquay, Brixham and Paignton on Admiralty Chart No. 26 – ‘Harbours on the South Coast of Devon’.
However grand or modest your craft may be, please ensure that you navigate safely and observe the maximum harbour speed limit of 5 knots. Your boat’s wash can be particularly damaging to nearby vessels alongside.
Please be respectful of other commercial and leisure harbour users and refrain from using alternative vacant berths…it will belong to someone! Anchoring in either of Tor Bay’s enclosed harbours (or approaches) is strictly prohibited! First, an important safety note once ashore… Brixham, Torquay and Paignton are ‘working’ Harbours and visitors to any Harbour site should read and abide by any safety signs and information to apprise themselves of potential hazards or dangers. Please pay particular attention when approaching any pier edge or unfenced areas. There are ladders, grab chains and steps located around the Harbour for getting out of the water. Lifebuoys are strategically located around the perimeter to assist in the rescue of a person in the water. Whilst several areas are pedestrianised, keep a watchful eye for delivery vehicles, trucks, fork-lifts and of course boats and trailers!
Brixham Harbour - Approaches and Berthing
A white lighthouse is situated at the outer end (Oc R 15s) of Brixham’s three quarter-mile long Victoria breakwater and is easy to locate from Berry Head.
Give the breakwater end a wide berth, as large beam trawlers can often emerge from behind it and you should then keep to the starboard side of the 75m wide fairway, marked by port hand (FIR) and starboard hand (FIG) buoys right up to the fish quays and the Marina.
At night, the eastern end of the Marina wave screen breakwater is indicated by (2 FI G 5s vert) lights, the south-western end (2 FI R 5s Vert). The Harbour Authority provides limited berthing alongside the ‘Town Pontoon’ (that’s the one closest to the inner harbour) which is available all year round. Follow the main fairway, keeping the Marina to port and the fishing vessel basin to starboard. Please radio the ‘BRIXHAM HARBOUR’ by VHF channel 14 for availability and berthing instructions. A phone call (01803 851854) beforehand is advisable during the summer. Anchoring is strictly prohibited within the enclosed harbour or approaches. However, Fishcombe Cove just west of the Harbour is an ideal location being sheltered and peaceful in southerly and westerly weather.
Visiting vessels also have the option to visit Brixham Marina (01803 882929) or VHF Channel 80 calling ‘BRIXHAM MARINA’ as an alternative venue.
Pilot Maps
Brixham Marina
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