Alcaidesa Marina La Linea

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Weather & Tides
Tonight - Clear Sky
Minimum: 15C, Wind Direction: Westerly
Wind: Good 17mph, Pressure: 1024mb, Sunset: 18:07 CET
Wednesday - Sunny
Maximum: 19C, Minimum: 12C
Wind: 19mph Westerly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: -- , Sunrise: 08:18 CET, Sunset: 18:07 CET
Thursday - Sunny
Maximum: 20C, Minimum: 12C
Wind: 9mph North Westerly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: -- , Sunrise: 08:19 CET, Sunset: 18:07 CET

No tidal data is available for this location

Comments (3)
06/08/2024 @ 10:33 am
Shaun Yacht
Alcaidesa Marina
I recently sold by Beneteau 57 and used the facilities at Alcaidesa Marina. I was very impressed and the staff were very helpful and knowledgeable. The prices were very competitive. I have no problem strongly recommending this marina and boatyard.
13/06/2024 @ 10:43 am
Shaun Bev
Alcaidesa Marina La Linea
I am currently berthed in Gibraltar and recently I have been stopped st the border when leaving Gib and they would not let me leave on a day pas if I didn't have accommodation booked in Spain? Why is this?
24/02/2021 @ 8:02 pm
Charlie Drew and co
Coming over as part of the boxing team in March. Whats the restrictions regarding crossing the border at the moment?
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Business Reviews (4)
01/12/2024 @ 8:07 pm
Complete Yacht Care by Hammy & Crew
Complete Yacht Care
Exceptional professional service from these guys! Reliable, prompt, honest and do a great job. Well done and keep it up guys
06/08/2024 @ 10:30 am
Alcaidesa Marina by Shaun Yacht 'Nakita'
Alcaidesa Marina
I recently sold by Beneteau 57 and used the facilities at Alcaidesa Marina. I was very impressed and the staff were very helpful and knowledgeable. The prices were very competitive. I have no problem strongly recommending this marina and boatyard.
13/05/2024 @ 11:18 am
Alcaidesa Marina by Debbie & Jay
Alcaidesa Marina
We stayed 3 nights at Alcaidesa Marina whilst crewing aboard a Beneteau 411 We found the staff a lot more friendly than in Gibraltar and the prices were also very favorable. For those who always choose Gibraltar, give this marina a go, we think its well worth it.
06/08/2022 @ 11:02 am
Alcaidesa Marina by Shaun Beverley
Alcaidesa Marina
A well run marina situated a stones throw from gibraltar and a lot cheaper than the marinas in Gibraltar. Very secure with a good boatyard.

You searched for: in Alcaidesa Marina La Linea

Details & Reviews (0)Spirit of the Rock
Spirit of the Rock
We knew when embarking on our mission to open a small-batch gin distillery in Gibraltar there would be challenges but we also knew that the effort would be worthwhile.
Finding a suitable place for the distillery at an affordable price was very difficult but those of you who have seen Athena sitting proudly in No 8 George’s Lane will agree we found the perfect place. View a 360° tour

Address: Spirit of the Rock, 8 George's Lane, Gibraltar GX11 1AA

Phone: +350 54067487 - Email - Website - Map
Details & Reviews (0)Alcaidesa Marina

Address: Alcaidesa Marina, Avda. Príncipe de Asturias. s/n., 11300. La Línea de la Concepción, Cádiz. España.

Phone: +34 956 021 660 - Email - Website - Mobile: +34 690 339 636 - Map
Details & Reviews (3)Alcaidesa Marina
Marinas, Marine Fuel
Alcaidesa Marina is situated next to the western slopes of Gibraltar, within the natural harbour of the Bay of Gibraltar offering excellent shelter and deep water access in all weather conditions.
Alcaidesa Marina's 624 berths provide safe moorings for boats ranging between 8 and 90 metres LOA, as well as modern boatyard facilities equipped with a 75tn boat hoist and specialist workshops.
36º 09' 31'' N, 5º 22' 03'' W"
Channel 9 (156,45 Mhz)
View a 360° tour

Address: Alcaidesa Marina La Linea, Av Príncipe de Asturias s/n, Torre de Control, 11300 La Línea de la Concepción, Spain

Phone: +34 956 02 16 60 - Email - Website - Map
Details & Reviews (1)Complete Yacht Care
Boat Cleaning, Boat Valeting, Dry Berthing, Grp Repairs/Maintenance, Marine Electricians, Marine Engineers, Yacht Management
Complete Yacht Care
Catering for all your yachting needs
Complete Yacht Care is a professional yacht and boat servicing company that specializes in providing high-quality, boutique-style service care for a wide range of vessels. This includes everything from routine maintenance and repairs to custom upgrades and installations.

Address: Complete Yacht Care, Mobile Yacht Service, Gibraltar

Phone: +350 54021513 - Email - Website - Mobile: +350 540 14152 - Map
Details & Reviews (0)Nautica Promarina
Jetski Docking, Marine Engineers, Outboards
Nautica Promarina
Náutica Promarina is a benchmark in the nautical sector, we are one of the largest repair and sales centers in Campo de Gibraltar. Our goal is to offer our customers personalized attention, sale of jet skis and boats, outboard motor and jet ski service, sale of products and spare parts.

Address: Nautica Promarina, Marina Alcaidesa, Varadero Nave 6, La Línea, Cádiz (España)

Phone: +34 699 19 43 57 - Email - Website - Map
Details & Reviews (0)Spirit of the Rock
Spirit of the Rock
We knew when embarking on our mission to open a small-batch gin distillery in Gibraltar there would be challenges but we also knew that the effort would be worthwhile.
Finding a suitable place for the distillery at an affordable price was very difficult but those of you who have seen Athena sitting proudly in No 8 George’s Lane will agree we found the perfect place. View a 360° tour

Address: Spirit of the Rock, 8 George's Lane, Gibraltar GX11 1AA

Phone: +350 54067487 - Email - Website - Map
Details & Reviews (0)Elias Blanco SL
Marine Engineers, Volvo Penta
Elias Blanco SL
We sell, repair and provide technical attention to engines and a wide variety of machinery
Boats, machinery for use in ports, marine and terrestrial generators, industrial machinery (off-road) and especially their engines and transmissions

Address: Elias Blanco SL, Puerto Deportivo de la Alcaidesa, Local 1, 11300 La Línea de la Concepción

Phone: +34 956 76 19 81 - Email - Website - Map
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