Salcombe is located at the southern tip of Devon. The large sheltered estuary is very popular with dinghy sailors and holiday makers. Salcombe is used by yachts as a base for cruising the south west coastline and as a point of departure for the Channel Islands and France.
Salcombe Yacht Club organises regular dinghy racing, cadet sailing, cruiser races and rallies. Merlin Rocket Week (100 boats entered - the maximum allowed - with a waiting list in 2007) and SYC Regatta Week (290 boats in 2007) take place in July and August. A social programme offers activities throughout the year.
The Club House offers a grandstand view of the harbour from its terrace. Showers are available for visiting yachtsmen. There is a well stocked bar and hot and cold food is offered at most lunchtimes and evenings. The Club House has rooms that can be booked for private functions and has a wireless internet connection.
When contacting the Yacht Club by Phone, please remember that there are two numbers:
The Office, 01548 842593 (open 0930 - 1415 hours for club administration)
The Bar, 01548 842872 (For catering arrangements and changing facilities)
When Salcombe Yacht Club celebrated its Centenary in 1984, local historian Sonia Parkinson dipped into the clubs records and history to produce the historical story of the Club which was distributed to the membership. Now 13 years on, Nick Walker has delved into his archives and produced an electronic copy for all to enjoy!
The story of Salcombe Yacht Club makes fasinating reading for anyone interested in sailing on the Salcombe Estuary and how sailing has evolved over the years.
Since writing the history Sonia and her husband Brian have been elected as Honorary Members of the Salcombe Yacht Club