Battery Chargers, Books & Charts, Chandlery, Inflatable Boats, Liferafts & Lifejackets, Marine Clothing, Marine Electronic Equipment, Marine Electronics, Marine Engine Sales, Online Chandlers, Propellors & Shafts, RIB Sales
NAUTILUS L.T.D has exclusive representative and importer from more than 50 brand names including LEWMAR, RUTGERSON, OCEAN AIR MARINE, YACHTINCON, SPINLOCK, LIROS, SEAJET ANTIFOULING, WHISPER POWER, STERLING, SOLARA, CREWSAVER, HENRI LLOYD, PROFURL, HELLA, AQUA SIGNAL, NAUTEND TENDERS, EFOY etc. Extensive distribution net over whole Greece. Four chandleries in Alimos (Athens), Salonica, Peiraius and Leros island, with top qualified staff in your order.
We will be happy to see you in our chandleries