Marine Air Conditioning, Antifouling, Bars & Inns, Battery Chargers, Boat Hire, Boat Sales-Power, Boat Sales-Yacht, Boat Storage, Cafes, Car Hire, Catering, Chandlery, Doctors, Drysuits, Gift Shops, Marine Diesel, Marine Electricians, Marine Electronic Equipment, Marine Electronics, Marine Engineers, Marine Insurance, Marine Painting, Marine Plumbing, Marine Upholstery, Boat Moorings, Osmosis Treatments, Outboards, Propellors & Shafts, Restaurants, Retail Outlets, Sailing Training Courses

One of the most prestigious marinas of the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean firmly established by fourteen years on the map, the subsidiary of Dogan Holding, Milta Bodrum Marina, offers berths for 450 yachts. Its unique location in the heart of Bodrum, its excellent facilities and dedicated staff will help you live your passion fort he sea on land as well.
With the lively town of Bodrum on the one hand and the tranquil turquoise bays of the Aegean on the other, Milta Bodrum Marina is a secure harbour for vessels of any size, from the smallest sailing boat to the mega yacht. For twelve years in a row our environment-friendly approach has been awarded with a Blue Flag and in our 10th year the Yacht Harbour Association (THYA) chose Milta Bodrum Marina for a Five Golden Anchors award. Milta Bodrum Marina provides sophisticated technical service, wireless internet Access, a shopping precinct, a swimming pool and fitness centre, watchmen and security system and a fire boat and Bodrum Sea Rescue team on duty 24 hours a day.
Address: Location : South - West Türkiye, VHF Communication : Marina Chanel 73, Code 'Bodrum Marina'
0090 252 316 18 60
Fax: 0090 252 316 14 06