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You searched for: Marine Fuel in Lerwick.
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Chandlery, Deck Hardware, Fishing Tackle, Marine Clothing, Marine Fuel, Online Shopping, Wet Weather Gear

Our new premises opposite the Victoria Pier stocks an extensive range of chandlery, safety equipment, PPE, fishing tackle, as well as a wide selection of outdoor and leisurewear.
Since opening over 15 years ago the LHD shop has been supplying commercial and recreational fishermen with an entire range of essential provisions. With comfort and safety at the top of the checklist we stock a complete range of waterproofs and high quality protective clothing.
For the rod fishing enthusiast take your pick from our selection of Shakespeare, Penn and Abu rigs, and complete your set up with a variety of tackle, lures, hooks and spinners.
If protecting yourself against the elements is a priority you can kit yourself out with our extensive range of outdoor wear from well known brands like Trespass, Regatta, Sprayway, Didriksons, Hi-Tec, Bridgedale and others. Waterproof and thermal boots, trousers, jackets, hats and gloves will keep you comfortable whatever the weather throws at you.
We also provide a variety of yachting equipment, navigation aids to satisfy a stream of visiting pleasure crafts, and our staff are on hand to provide fuel from our own tank on Victoria Pier .
Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday 8am-5pm.
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Marine Diesel, Marine Fuel
Come day or night our fleet of tankers are on hand to make fuel deliveries throughout the isles.
With our base in Lerwick, and having several outlying tanks in Whalsay, Aith, Skeld, West Burrafirth, as well as a self-service unit in Scalloway, we are well equipped to supply a wide range of marine vessels wherever their port of call.
For larger orders in the busy harbours of Lerwick and Scalloway we can supply fuel direct via a pipeline.
In addition to keeping your fuel tanks topped up we also stock a range of marine lube/oil/ etc to keep your engines running as smoothly as possible. An exhaustive stock is held at our Lerwick premises and can be delivered and distributed wherever and whenever is necessary.
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Chandlery, Marine Fabrications, Marine Fuel, Marine Rigging
Our Wire Store at Holmsgarth provides ample space to produce, assemble and repair gear.
Our wire store at Holmsgarth provides a well equipped, well stocked facility for producing, assembling and repairing a range of sweeps, warps, footropes and ground gear.
The deep water berth and pier space in the heart of the Lerwick harbour is an important facility for the local and visiting fishing fleet, with whitefish and pelagic trawlers of various sizes being able to be catered for.
When manufacturing trawl warps and sweeps our 1000T hyraulic press can splice rope up to 52mm, and our mobile 500T and 600T presses can splice wire at any quayside throughout Shetland. Our mobile back tension winch can apply up to 6 tonne of tension for the installment of trawl wires and cables.
A large stock of wire, chain, connectors and shackles in the warehouse should ensure turnaround times are kept to a minimum.
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