If your visiting the beautiful town of Kinsale Ireland, be sure to visit Poets Corner Cafe. Its no ordinary cafe, here you can read, buy and exchange books while enjoying a coffee and one of their freshly baked cakes.
You can browse the bookshelves or if you have books at home, or on the boat you don't need anymore then you can exchange them for one of theirs!
Each morning you can have fresh scones to munch on over their daily newspaper, or if you want to get on-line you can make use of their extremely fast and FREE WIFI
Its not just cakes and scones either, Simone and Ray offer a wonderful lunch menu and a great selection of teas.
When you go there though, make sure you mention Harbourguides, because if you do you will get a special treat! http://www.poetscornerkinsale.com
And remember to use our Kinsale Harbour Guide:
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