Teignmouth Pilot Notes & Charts
Pilot notes are meant as a general guide, or for use in conjunction with a Pilot book or chart.
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Navigation - Approaches & lower estuary
Leisure Craft
It is important that the following is noted by all users
The approach and entrance to Teignmouth harbour is manageable by all types of craft in reasonable weather conditions as long as due caution is taken. The position of the channel and the bar needs to be known and understood prior to attempting entry or exit. Vessels without local knowledge are recommended to seek advice and confirmation of the channel marks from the Harbour Master.
The position of the bar can change within a few hours during fresh or strong onshore winds, particularly during the winter months.
An entrance or exit should not be attempted during these conditions especially as there will be broken water across the bar, which will be accentuated on an ebb tide and at low water
The Harbour Commission aim to maintain an east/west shipping channel across the bar throughout the year using the plough dredger Teign C. Be aware that this channel may also change due to adverse weather conditions particularly during the winter months.
During the summer the channel is usually stable and entry to the River Teign is comparatively straightforward.
The depth of the channel varies across the bar and is approx. 0 metres to 0.5 metres below chart datum. This can reduce from time to time during winter months
Due allowance needs to be taken of tidal flows which can be 4 to 5 knots during springs in the entrance between the Lucette Light and Den Point
Shipping movements occur one hour either side of high water. However during neaps movements can occur at most states of the tide depending on size and draft of the vessel.
To be aware of shipping movements craft are advised to maintain a listening watch on Channel 12 when entering or leaving the harbour.
Guidance Notes on Navigation (inwards)
Vessels without local knowledge should aim for a safe water waypoint to seaward of the Bar. i.e: 50° 32.45' N 003° 29.15' W (WGS 84). This waypoint will place you on the transit line 265° across the Bar which the Harbour Authority aim to maintain. Channel position to be checked with Harbour Master prior to entry.