St Tropez
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Weather & Tides
Today - Light Rain
Maximum: 15C, Minimum: 8C
Wind: 9mph North Easterly, Visibility: Moderate, Pollution: -- , Sunrise: 07:35 CET, Sunset: 17:58 CET
Thursday - Sunny Intervals
Maximum: 15C, Minimum: 6C
Wind: 5mph South Westerly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: -- , Sunrise: 07:34 CET, Sunset: 17:59 CET
Friday - Sunny
Maximum: 16C, Minimum: 6C
Wind: 6mph South Westerly, Visibility: Moderate, Pollution: -- , Sunrise: 07:33 CET, Sunset: 18:01 CET
No tidal data is available for this location
Who would have ever imagined this tiny, inaccessible ancient fishing village would ever become what it is today. Possibly the most talked about holiday resort in Europe. St. Tropez is also one of the most popular destinations amongst the wealthy and the beautiful, which includes some of the richest pleasure cruising and yachting enthusiasts in the world. St. Tropez’s magnificent marina can accommodates up to 1050 vessels (only 100 of the berths are for visitors) and is arguably the number one place in town to be seen. The cafes and bars that line the port are frequented by yachtsmen and their crews there to hobnob, sip martinis and get noticed.
In truth there is much more to St.Tropez than cosmetic eye candy, including incredible architectural marvels, lovely parks and excellent museums. Culture vultures will also be impressed by the superb art exhibitions to be found in the numerous galleries. Wining and dining wise there is St.Tropez legendary café/bar/brassiere scene around Place des Lices and Georges-Clemenceau and as well as plenty of gourmet, seafood and traditional restaurants around Vieux Port.
Night owls are amply catered for. The fashion and shops stay open until dusk giving you plenty of time to choose an outfit before bar flitting into the early hours. Then there are the legendary nightclubs, discos and casinos where members of the weird and wonderful and the rich and ravishing enact a truly mesmerising, colourful ritual throughout the summer nights. Of course for most visitors the major attraction is the sea and sand and St. Tropez beaches are magnificent, ranging from the small but exquisite Baie des Canoubiers to the world famous (and very crowded) Les Salins.
St. Tropez is an experience like no other. Brazenly stylish yet irresistibly captivating the one thing you will always be sure of when you visit is that you will never ever get bored.
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Dear holiday-makers, users and spectators of the harbour of Saint-Tropez, your loyalty to the harbour and the town's seafaring ways both honours us and encourages us to ensure that you receive the unfailing service which you have come to expect.
Happy sailing to you all.
Like a real sea luxury hotel, the harbour master house makes its offices and innovant services available: lounge, meteo via satellite, live satellite stock exchange informations, groom services as well as all the useful information you might during your call in Saint-Tropez.
The Harbour nowadays includes 800 berths distributed over 2 docks on 9 hectares (22.23 acres). The old dock is intended for vessels up to 50 meters long drawing maximum 4.5 meters of water. The new dock is intended for middle size vessels
Thanks and enjoy your trip.
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