St Raphael
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Weather & Tides
Tonight - Clear Sky
Minimum: 4C, Wind Direction: North Westerly
Wind: Good 3mph, Pressure: 1015mb, Sunset: 18:03 CET
Sunday - Sunny
Maximum: 14C, Minimum: 6C
Wind: 4mph North Westerly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: -- , Sunrise: 07:28 CET, Sunset: 18:05 CET
Monday - Sunny Intervals
Maximum: 14C, Minimum: 5C
Wind: 6mph South Easterly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: -- , Sunrise: 07:27 CET, Sunset: 18:06 CET
No tidal data is available for this location
One of the richest towns on the coast, St Raphael has, since the beginning of the twentieth century, been a playground for the rich and famous attracted by the fabulous conditions for yachting and water sports. Indeed the stylishly designed marina is probably St Raphael’s most impressive landmark. With 237 berths able to accommodate boats up to 30m long and 4m wide the vessels moored there are arguably more luxurious than the hotels that over look them.
As you would expect town-life is vibrant and sophisticated, a cosmopolitan melting pot that caters for those who either have or profess to have a taste for the finer things in life. There are countless restaurants serving the very best in French cuisine and the very best in virtually any cuisine you could wish to mention. The nightlife is classy with the casino taking top billing on the early hours list. The beaches are splendid and the shopping is expensive but fun.
All in all St. Raphael is exactly what you’d expect it to be, and for most travellers it is a little too up market. But despite its bias towards the well off it remains a friendly, superbly hospitable place and is well worth a stop over just to get a taste of good living French style.
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