South Dock Marina

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Weather & Tides
Tonight - Partly Cloudy
Minimum: 2C, Wind Direction: Easterly
Wind: Good 5mph, Pressure: 1024mb, Sunset: 17:13 GMT
Friday - Sunny Intervals
Maximum: 5C, Minimum: 1C
Wind: 8mph South Easterly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 07:15 GMT, Sunset: 17:15 GMT
Saturday - Thick Cloud
Maximum: 6C, Minimum: 3C
Wind: 5mph South Easterly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 07:13 GMT, Sunset: 17:17 GMT

No tidal data is available for this location

South Dock Marina is London's largest working marina.
lt is conveniently located in South Dock and Greenland Dock on the south bank of the Thames, 2.5 miles downstream from Tower Bridge and 1.5 miles upstream from Greenwich.

The marina offers over 200 berths. Locking in from the tidal Thames is fast and efficient, with the added advantage of holding pontoons on Greenland Pier at the entrance to the Lock. As well as providing a highly central and secure London mooring, the marina makes an excellent base for cruising the Thames and the Medway, as well as exploring further afield to the east coast of England and the northern European coastline.

Although large, the marina is a haven of peace, with
parks and attractive walks nearby. Historic Greenwich, with famous churches, Maritime Museum and Cutty Sark is down the road. The marina is well placed for shopping. Surrey Quays Shopping Centre is within easy walking distance. It contains a large Tesco, a Food Hall and branches of British Home Stores, Boots and Dixons.

The City of London and the West End are easily reached. There are Underground stations at Canada Water and Rotherhithe, numerous bus services stop nearby and the major rail terminus at London Bridge provides access to the British Rail network.
Comments (7)
14/05/2015 @ 4:20 pm
Patrick Van Craeynest
We plan a trip on the Thames river with a stay in Londen. Can we stay in de South Dock Marina from 09-07-2015 until 12-07-2015. the boat is a BAVARIA 34 sailing vessel (length 10.20m , beam 2.85m, draft 1.80m) Th ename of de boat is "MAKAIRA"; Would you please confirm that we will have a berth for those days? Give you please also info about the fee? You cana informate me on my email adress: patvacra@hotmail
Thanks !!!
16/02/2015 @ 12:00 pm
George Fletcher
Hi , would you have an overnight mooring available on the sat 28th march also is it possible to overnight on the waiting potion, please mail me at
25/05/2014 @ 9:10 pm
do you have room for a 27ft yacht what are your monthly fees i am planning on living on the yacht for a year any info would be great


10/01/2014 @ 12:10 pm
Walter Simons
I would like to confirm the conversations I had this morning with Patrick.
We plan, coming from Ostend Belgium, a sail trip to Londen in May and would like to stay for a couple of days in the South Dock Mariane. We will arrive on monday 19th May in the afternoon and stay until friday morning 23th May.
The vessel's name is the " Blue Moon", Total Overall Length : 12M, Beam : 4M, Draft : 2M.
We require electricity : 16 apm is enough.
Would you please confirm that we will have a berth for those days and the fee on my mail adress : You can also call me on +32 476 43 43 50
Thank you very much and best regards,

16/08/2012 @ 4:48 pm
Isobel Stevens
I am looking for a London residential, mooring for a narrow boat that's 14 metres long.
Are there any available moorings at South Dock Marina, or does one need to join a waiting list?
Please let me know via email on or mobile phone number: 07501441892.
Thanks, Bel.
11/05/2011 @ 8:41 pm
Klaus Kupp
is it possibel to have a place for a boat 6,5m long for one day from 21 may until 22 may?

Please contakt me by mail:

15/04/2011 @ 3:45 pm
patrice deryckx
have you some place for one boat 10 m long for three days between
2/5 and 5/5
You can contact me by
thanck you
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Address: 264 Sherwood Park Avenue, Sidcup, Kent

Phone: 020 8304 5678 Fax: 020 8298 9128 - Map
Details & Reviews (0)Tai Pan Chinese Restaurant
Tai Pan Chinese Restaurant
Tai Pan offers authentic Chinese cuisine
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Adult £14.50 per person
Children under 12 £7.50 per peson
Drinks Not Included

Address: 665 Commercial Road, London, E14 7LW

Phone: 0207 791 0118/9 Fax: 0207 702 7851 - Website - Map
Details & Reviews (0)Wilkinson Sails
Wilkinson Sails

Address: The Sail Loft, Swale Marina, Conyer Wharf, Teynham, ME9 9HN

Phone: 01795 521503 Fax: 01795 521503 - Email - Map
Details & Reviews (0)The Spread Eagle
Bars & Inns, Restaurants
The Spread Eagle
Most famous restaurant in Greenwich

Address: 1-2 Stockwell Street, Greenwich, London, SE10 9FN

Phone: 2088532333 - Website - Map
Details & Reviews (0)South Dock Marina
South Dock Marina
South Dock Marina is London's largest working marina.
lt is conveniently located in South Dock and Greenland Dock on the south bank of the Thames, 2.5 miles downstream from Tower Bridge and 1.5 miles upstream from Greenwich.

The marina offers over 200 berths. Locking in from the tidal Thames is fast and efficient, with the added advantage of holding pontoons on Greenland Pier at the entrance to the Lock. As well as providing a highly central and secure London mooring, the marina makes an excellent base for cruising the Thames and the Medway, as well as exploring further afield to the east coast of England and the northern European coastline

Address: Lock Office, Rope St, Plough Way, London, SE16 7SZ

Phone: 020 7252 2244 Fax: 020 7237 3806 - Email - Website - Map
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