Oban Pilot Notes & Charts

Pilot notes are meant as a general guide, or for use in conjunction with a Pilot book or chart.

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Entry to Oban Bay is quite straightforward whether using the well marked North Channel or coming from the south along Kerrera Sound. However, mariners are advised to keep a radio & visual watch for the large CalMac ferries transiting in & out of the bay and give them room to manoeuvre. Their movements are announced on Ch16 VHF.
Within the Oban Bay, mariners should be aware of hazards indicated by three Cardinal Marks. On the north side of the bay Corran Ledge is indicated by a (flashing) West Cardinal mark. To the south of the bay (flashing) North & South Cardinals indicate the location of Sgeir Rathaid Bank (dries at extreme Low Water).
Entering Oban Marina in Ardantrive Bay, off the Isle of Kerrera there is a wreck at the most southerly point, off Mount Pleasant. The wreck is visible at most states of tide and is marked by an (unlit) post off its northerly point.
Oban Marina is a deep water refuge with 12/13 m depth at most moorings and pontoon berths. Our fuel dock, situated on the outermost hammerhead, is accessible at all tides.
Dunstaffnage Marina Location.
Entrance to Dunstaffnage Bay from the Firth of Lorne is the passage leaving Dunstaffnage Castle on starboard and the island Eilean Mor to port. Navigation Lights are fixed on both Castle and island foreshores.
Entrance to Marina is by following the fairway in a direction of 150 degrees leaving green marker buoys to starboard. After second buoy, the Marina Fairway should be apparent on a course of 270 degrees.
Strong currents exist in the bay due to the effect of tidal flow in Loch Etive. The prevailing current follows the shores of the Bay in an anti-clockwise direction.
Please do not attempt to cut through the Moorings on your approach to the Marina and please show consideration to other users by not exceeding 4 knots within the anchorage and bay.
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