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Weather & Tides
Today - Light Cloud
Maximum: 6C, Minimum: 2C
Wind: 7mph North Easterly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 07:18 GMT, Sunset: 17:11 GMT
Thursday - Light Cloud
Maximum: 6C, Minimum: 2C
Wind: 11mph North Easterly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 07:17 GMT, Sunset: 17:12 GMT
Friday - Sunny Intervals
Maximum: 5C, Minimum: 2C
Wind: 15mph Easterly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 07:15 GMT, Sunset: 17:14 GMT

No tidal data is available for this location

Situated at the mouth of the River Ouse in the beautiful South Downs, Newhaven is an old port town that has retained its maritime roots and become a popular tourist destination. The once thriving commercial harbour has successfully moved with the times and along with its ferry link with Dieppe the waterfront is now a magnet for leisure craft owners, anglers, scuba divers and water-sport enthusiast. This has been boosted by the redevelopment of the quay into a thriving hub of activity that combines quality residences, a state of the art fish market, open spaces with cycle paths and walkways and a new marina boasting abundant moorings.

This area of outstanding natural beauty is a paradise for those wanting a holiday where you can enjoy the great outdoors during the day and relax in charming friendly surroundings in the evening. Newhaven has two major attractions, the spectacular nineteenth century Fort on the cliffs above the town and kid friendly Paradise Park with its dinosaurs and amusements. The town centre has plenty of great shops including high street names and specialist outlets. There is also an excellent market on Thursdays and Saturdays. Dining wise there are plenty of fine restaurants, cafes and pubs that serve bar food. Newhaven also has a full calendar of entertainment to suit all, from theatre to cabaret, live jazz to the Newhaven Symphonic, dance music to hard rock.

A genuinely attractive place in one of the most picturesque locations in Europe, Newhaven has plenty to offer visitors of all ages. With it’s laid back atmosphere and easy-going hospitality it is the ideal destination for a relaxing seaside holiday.
Comments (7)
03/09/2021 @ 6:07 pm
Clarissa horilczenko
What do people do that are visitor yachts arriving after 5.30pm?
27/06/2013 @ 7:00 pm
Theo Negros
Robert if you have any enquiries please send a email to
26/06/2013 @ 8:29 am
Robert Cullen
Yout need more info on this page and marine services, maybe i can help?
05/06/2012 @ 4:01 pm
I like Newhaven
01/04/2012 @ 9:17 am
Harbourguides Crew
Well spotted Icarus. We have changed it now..
01/04/2012 @ 9:04 am
Not sure where the photograph at the top of the page came from but it certainly isn't Newhaven!!
22/03/2011 @ 7:37 pm
visited today , what a great place to boat..will be back.
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Business Reviews (3)
12/06/2023 @ 9:39 am
Simpson Marine by Chris Knapp
I have a small trail boat with an old Honda outboard. I have been a customer of Simpsons for very many years and always found them friendly and helpful but I did not know they serviced outboards. For the last few years mine has been running rough and stalling. Another dealer has serviced it but there was no improvement. Simpsons have now fixed it and it is running beautifully, as good as new. I am most impressed and will make sure they service it in the future.
09/06/2021 @ 9:47 pm
Simpson Marine by Chris wickens
A really nice bunch of guys , I needed a part for my hydrolic steering it’s like Aladdin cave it’s a shame they are not in Eastbourne .
20/05/2015 @ 6:17 pm
Newhaven Marina by Gary
Went into newhaven last weekend to drop off a sick crew member, we rafted up on waiting pontoon to get this frightened lady off the boat, we were met buy mr angry, shouting at us because we didn't berth where he wanted, as said before we were only dropping off. The man told us he runs the marina and not us, which is correct, instead of trying to help us he was going mad. He did not help the situation of the frightened lady. We will not be going back and advise others of mr angry.

You searched for: in Newhaven

Details & Reviews (1)Newhaven Marina

Address: The Yacht Harbour, Fort Road, Newhaven, BN9 9BY

Phone: +44 (0) 1273 513 881 Fax: +44 (0) 1273 510 493 - Email - Website - Map
Details & Reviews (2)Simpson Marine
Boat Sales-Power, Chandlery, Mariner
Simpson Marine
Welcome to Simpson Marine, a family run business established in Newhaven in the early 1980's and recently taken over by Aran and Christian Simpson. Here, we have a successful and busy chandlery that is open seven days a week and contains over 1,000,000 different product lines at competitive prices, everything that you will need for your boat should be in stock.

We also represent the fabulous range of Quicksilver & Finnmaster power cruisers, sportsboats and fast fishing boats & White Shark sports-fishing boats

We also operate a busy Boat Park and Slipway facility offering storage for your boat and daily launch and recovery service

Address: The Yacht Harbour, Newhaven Marina, Newhaven, BN9 9BY

Phone: +44 (0)1273 612612 Fax: +44 (0)1273 517997 - Website - Map
Bars & Inns, Private Functions, Restaurants, Takeaway Food
The Viceroy
Sumptuous cuisine can only be prepared by the finest chefs and they don't come any finer than the table masters at India's Taj Group of Hotels spread across New Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras and Hyderabad.

The Viceroy is delighted to announce that a renowned chef from the Taj Group will be preparing these exciting dishes for you, drawing from his vast experience and culinary expertise.

Eat at any of our three restaurants in Polegate, Newhaven and Hadleigh or order a take-away, the choice is yours.

Address: 4a Bridge Street, Newhaven, East Sussex, BN9 9PJ

Phone: 01273 513308 - Website - Map
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