Le Havre
Local Businesses
Weather & Tides
Today - Sunny Intervals
Maximum: 19C, Minimum: 10C
Wind: 11mph Southerly, Visibility: Moderate, Pollution: -- , Sunrise: 08:08 CEST, Sunset: 19:26 CEST
Monday - Thundery Showers
Maximum: 18C, Minimum: 12C
Wind: 11mph Southerly, Visibility: Moderate, Pollution: -- , Sunrise: 08:09 CEST, Sunset: 19:24 CEST
Tuesday - Sunny Intervals
Maximum: 19C, Minimum: 13C
Wind: 16mph Southerly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: -- , Sunrise: 08:11 CEST, Sunset: 19:22 CEST
No tidal data is available for this location
France’s second largest port after Marseille, Le Havre suffered severe damage during the air raids of WW2. However due to the flair and imagination of designer and architect August Perret it was completely redesigned and is now a bustling port used by UK ferries, cargo ships and yachts. With 1300 berths for pleasure boats the marina is one of the most popular on the coast.
The town centre still has a few original building, which have been thoughtfully integrated into Perret’s ‘concrete is beautiful’ vision and despite it’s apparent sprawl you can get a view of the sea from literally anywhere in the city. There is a distinct sense of space that makes it an exhilarating place to stroll around and there are plenty of attractions to keep visitors entertained, including ‘The Volcano’, the impressive Musee Malraux and Musée de l'Ancien Havre. The central market is a fascinating place to shop for local produce and if you’re hungry and fancy trying something different then the back streets of the St. Francois district have a great choice of North African, South American and Caribbean restaurants. There are also a couple of large boats permanently moored at Bassin du Commerce that serve as clubs and restaurants.
Le Havre has all the attractions you would expect from a modern city and combines it successfully with the dynamics of a major port and seaside resort, thus offering visitors a fully rounded experience of coastal France.
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A large marina boasting 973 berths plus 60 visitors berths