La Coruna

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Weather & Tides
Tonight - Clear Sky
Minimum: 6C, Wind Direction: Easterly
Wind: Good 8mph, Pressure: 1025mb, Sunset: 18:25 CET
Friday - Sunny
Maximum: 14C, Minimum: 4C
Wind: 8mph South Easterly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: -- , Sunrise: 09:02 CET, Sunset: 18:27 CET
Saturday - Sunny
Maximum: 14C, Minimum: 7C
Wind: 9mph Southerly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: -- , Sunrise: 09:01 CET, Sunset: 18:28 CET

Tidal data location not found for this port

Comments (1)
25/10/2012 @ 12:09 pm
John and Satrah
Came across this delightful marina on our way South to the Algarve...Wish we had stayed a lot longer.Its probably the best value for money marina I have visited in a long long time. The staff are friendly and helpful as are the other boat owners. If you are passing by this way I strongly recommend that you pay this a visit, you wont be disappointed.
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Antifouling, Bars & Inns, Boat Builders & Repairs, Boat Moorings, Boatyard, Books & Charts, Cafes, Cash Point, Dry Berthing, Grp Repairs/Maintenance, Honda Marine, Launderette, Marinas, Marine Diesel, Marine Electricians, Marine Electronic Equipment, Marine Electronics, Marine Engineers, Marine Fabrications, Marine Fuel, Marine Painting, Marine Plumbing, Marine Safety Equipment, Masts & Rigging, Mercruiser, Osmosis Treatments, Provisions, Restaurants, Rigging Specialists, Sailing Training Courses, Sailmakers/Repair, Volvo Penta, Wifi, Yacht Agents & Brokers, Yacht Brokers, Yanmar
MARINA CORUÑA - 43º22'N / 008º23'W / CANAL 9 VHF

Address: Paseo marítimo Alcalde Francisco Vázquez, 15001 A Coruña - Galicia, España

Phone: +34 881 920 482 - Website - Map
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