Isle of Mull
Local Businesses
Weather & Tides
Today - Drizzle
Maximum: 9C, Minimum: 5C
Wind: 6mph South Westerly, Visibility: Moderate, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 08:41 GMT, Sunset: 16:28 GMT
Tuesday - Light Rain
Maximum: 8C, Minimum: 4C
Wind: 6mph Southerly, Visibility: Moderate, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 08:40 GMT, Sunset: 16:30 GMT
Wednesday - Light Cloud
Maximum: 7C, Minimum: 2C
Wind: 3mph Easterly, Visibility: Moderate, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 08:38 GMT, Sunset: 16:32 GMT
No tidal data is available for this location
You searched for: in Isle of Mull
With a superb location on the upper floor of the Calmac building on Tobermory pier offering stunning sea views - from the alfresco terrace you can catch an amazing sunset and watch a selection of fresh seafood en route from the rugged coastal waters around Mull straight to your plate two hours later – there is quite simply no better place to enjoy your locally caught seafood.
Books & Charts, Chandlery, Drysuits, Gift Shops, Marine Clothing, Retail Outlets, Watersports Equipment, Wetsuits
Address: Seafare Chandlery, Main Street, Tobermory, PA75 6NU
01688 302277
North West Marine Ltd is an Oban based specialist diving and marine civils contractor. Our workboats and dive teams are involved in wide ranging operations throughout the Scottish region including the highlands and islands, but also cover other areas of the UK.
We provide professional support services to a diverse range of businesses including ferry operators, utility companies and local authorities, marinas, fish farmers, engineering consultancies and international marine organisations.
Cash Point
ATM Cash Point
Address: Bank, 20 Main Street, Tobermory, PA75 6NY
Online Shopping
Address: Isle of Mull Silver & Goldsmiths, Tobermory, Isle of Mull, PA75 6NT
01688 302345
Our aim at Killoran is to provide a haven of peace and relaxation for guests who wish to unwind and enjoy the beauty of the Isle of Mull.
We take pride in being able to offer fine dining, prepared by chef proprietor Ian, in our dining room with its glorious panoramic views.
Accommodation, Bars & Inns, Restaurants
The Mishnish hotel is situated on the sea front of Tobermory's busy yachting and fishing harbour.
The hotel was built in 1861, thats 150 years of Mishnish tradition.
Look out for the many celebrations planned to mark this special occasion.
Enjoy the spectacular views over Tobermory bay from the visitor bedrooms.
Our aim at Killoran is to provide a haven of peace and relaxation for guests who wish to unwind and enjoy the beauty of the Isle of Mull.
We take pride in being able to offer fine dining, prepared by chef proprietor Ian, in our dining room with its glorious panoramic views.
Visitor Attractions
Address: Isle of Mull Silver & Goldsmiths, Tobermory, Isle of Mull, PA75 6NT
01688 302345
To the beautiful Isle of Mull and to Highland Cottage, David and Jo Currie's award-winning small hotel and fine-dining restaurant sitting above the island "capital" of Tobermory.
Set amidst the quiet elegance of the town's conservation area, yet only a few minutes from the hustle and bustle of Tobermory's Main Street and the Fisherman's Pier, Highland Cottage is a haven of genuine hospitality, well-appointed comfortable bedrooms and exceptional cuisine - every bit a genuine home-from-home as much as a small upmarket hotel.
To the beautiful Isle of Mull and to Highland Cottage, David and Jo Currie's award-winning small hotel and fine-dining restaurant sitting above the island "capital" of Tobermory.
Set amidst the quiet elegance of the town's conservation area, yet only a few minutes from the hustle and bustle of Tobermory's Main Street and the Fisherman's Pier, Highland Cottage is a haven of genuine hospitality, well-appointed comfortable bedrooms and exceptional cuisine - every bit a genuine home-from-home as much as a small upmarket hotel.