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Weather & Tides
Tonight - Light Cloud
Minimum: 3C, Wind Direction: North Easterly
Wind: Good 11mph, Pressure: 1024mb, Sunset: 17:06 GMT
Thursday - Light Cloud
Maximum: 4C, Minimum: 1C
Wind: 12mph North Easterly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 07:22 GMT, Sunset: 17:08 GMT
Friday - Light Cloud
Maximum: 5C, Minimum: 0C
Wind: 13mph South Easterly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 07:20 GMT, Sunset: 17:10 GMT
No tidal data is available for this location
You searched for: in Grimsby
Cafes, Catering, Private Functions, Delicatessen, Takeaway Food, Yacht Hampers
We are a small family run business based in Lincolnshire who are dedicated to making the finest quality foods in the local area, with the freshest quality ingredients we can find.
Everything we do at Waltham Kitchen is made by hand with great care and attention, with ingredients that are always sourced locally wherever possible.
Bars & Inns, Private Functions, Restaurants, Wifi
Relish is a small, exciting and fun restaurant on the seafront in Cleethorpes. Putting our guests at the centre of everything we do is what makes us different. Our special ingredients; background music to make you tap your feet, fantastic fresh food cooked to order, and a welcome from Lee, Sean and our staff that will make you feel like old friends! Add a sprinkle of laughter and your favourite drink and you have all the ingredients for a very memorable experience!
Marinas, Visitor Moorings
A warm welcome awaits all visitors to the HCA where we aim to make your stay a pleasing and pleasurable experience no matter what the duration.
Steeped in hundreds of years of maritime history and tradition, the HCA is situated in the old Fish Dock No1, originally completed in 1856.
Short term or just passing visitor berths available on our visitor’s pontoons at very competitive rates. Please contact the duty Berth Master between the hours of 08.00hrs - 16.00hrs daily with your details.
Food Delivery, Retail Outlets, Something Special
Nobody should have to compromise on the quality of their fish. We aim to provide beautifully smoked fish for the very best price - without compromising one bit on the flavour of your fillets. We achieve this by selling to you, the consumer, directly rather than to the wholesalers, so you are getting the same great fish for a trade price.
Grimsby can be linked with the smoked fish industry all the way back to 1850, when the railway allowed the transportation of smoked fish to London.
Here at The King's Dish, we utilise the skill of smoking fish which has been passed down from generation to generation. We are also on a register of producers kept by the Traditional Grimsby Fish Smokers Group, who are a governing body ensuring the standards of Grimsby fish are maintained.
The geographical nature of the seaside town also makes our location perfect for the smoking process, as our smokehouse is exposed to the cool winds of the North Sea which are crucial in keeping our chimneys cold.