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Weather & Tides
Tonight - Drizzle
Minimum: 9C, Wind Direction: Southerly
Wind: Moderate 14mph, Pressure: 1014mb, Sunset: 18:29 BST
Tuesday - Light Rain
Maximum: 15C, Minimum: 13C
Wind: 17mph South Easterly, Visibility: Moderate, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 07:52 BST, Sunset: 18:27 BST
Wednesday - Light Rain
Maximum: 16C, Minimum: 9C
Wind: 11mph Southerly, Visibility: Poor, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 07:54 BST, Sunset: 18:25 BST
Mon 14 OctLow Tide03:040m
Mon 14 OctHigh Tide09:523.23m
Mon 14 OctLow Tide15:240m
Mon 14 OctHigh Tide21:493.46m
Tue 15 OctLow Tide03:520m
Tue 15 OctHigh Tide10:373.43m
Tue 15 OctLow Tide16:070m
Tue 15 OctHigh Tide22:353.68m
Wed 16 OctLow Tide04:350m
Wed 16 OctHigh Tide11:163.58m
Wed 16 OctLow Tide16:480m
Wed 16 OctHigh Tide23:173.84m
Thu 17 OctLow Tide05:140m
Thu 17 OctHigh Tide11:553.67m
Thu 17 OctLow Tide17:270m
Thu 17 OctHigh Tide23:593.92m
Fri 18 OctLow Tide05:540m
Fri 18 OctHigh Tide12:333.71m
Fri 18 OctLow Tide18:080m
Fri 18 OctHigh Tide00:423.91m
Sat 19 OctLow Tide06:340m
Sat 19 OctHigh Tide13:133.69m
Sat 19 OctLow Tide18:510m
Sun 20 OctHigh Tide01:273.82m
Sun 20 OctLow Tide07:170m
Sun 20 OctHigh Tide13:563.63m
Sun 20 OctLow Tide19:380m
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Details & Reviews (0)Greystones Harbour Marina
The marina is located at the heart of the spectacular new harbour development which has involved a massive reconstruction and modernisation of Greystones’ centuries old harbour.
The harbour is neighboured by beaches on either side with stunning views across Bray Head to the north, the Sugarloaf and Wicklow Mountains to the West and on a clear day when gazing across the Irish Sea to the east, the west coast of Wales can be spotted.
The high quality of service, excellent facilities, and ease of access at Greystones Harbour Marina have all contributed to the roaring success of this new marina which has seen a year on year increase in occupancy of 100% and is now nearing full capacity during the summer months.
Visitors and berth holders benefit from all the necessary facilities such as water and shore power, toilet and shower facilities and fuelling facilities to be completed soon. There is also free Wifi available to everyone, local maps and guides, and the friendly and helpful marina staff are always on hand for advice and guidance.

Address: Greystones Harbour Marina, Greystones, Co. Wicklow, Ireland

Phone: 00353 1 287 3131 - Email - Website - Map
