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Weather & Tides
Today - Light Cloud
Maximum: 6C, Minimum: 2C
Wind: 8mph Northerly, Visibility: Moderate, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 07:14 GMT, Sunset: 17:05 GMT
Thursday - Light Cloud
Maximum: 5C, Minimum: 0C
Wind: 11mph North Easterly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 07:12 GMT, Sunset: 17:07 GMT
Friday - Sunny Intervals
Maximum: 4C, Minimum: -1C
Wind: 10mph Easterly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 07:11 GMT, Sunset: 17:08 GMT

No tidal data is available for this location

Comments (1)
11/10/2014 @ 9:17 am
Harbourguides Crew
Dover Marina
Dover marina is to be upgraded with a £120 million facelift which will create 600 jobs at what is already Europe’s busiest port.

The present Dover Marina has 400 berths plus lift-out facilities and is a convenient base for Channel hopping.
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Business Reviews (1)
20/05/2012 @ 11:08 am
Dover Marina by david peppiatt
Ideal place for a real marina,when are you going to have one?

You searched for: in Dover

Details & Reviews (0)Wilkinson Sails

Address: The Sail Loft, Swale Marina, Conyer Wharf, Teynham, ME9 9HN

Phone: 01795 521503 Fax: 01795 521503 - Email - Map
Sheltered by the iconic White Cliffs and overlooked by Dover’s magnificent castle, we’re just 20 miles from France with Boulogne, Calais, Gravelines and Dunkerque all within easy sailing distance.
Dover has long been regarded as the Gateway to England – now it can be your gateway to a better boating experience. Why not pay us a visit?

Address: Harbour House, Marine Parade, Dover, CT17 9BU

Phone: +44 (0) 1304 241 663 - Email - Website - Map
Details & Reviews (0)Deal Maritime and Local History Museum
Visitor Attractions
Deal Maritime and Local History Museum
The Deal Maritime and Local History Museum was founded in 1972 and is administered by a private Charitable Trust. It is managed and run entirely by a corps of volunteers with the aim of preserving our local and maritime heritage.
Our exhibits include the Saxon King (the last of the Deal Galleys ), many ships models (including the Cutty Sark), colourful figureheads and numerous pictures, prints and memorabilia of the famous Deal Boatmen, the Deal, Walmer, and Kingsdown lifeboat crews and of the Royal Marines stationed at Deal for over 300 years.

To maintain our heritage we need your support. Come along and visit us or become a "Friend" of the museum

Address: 22 St George's Road, Deal, Kent, CT14 6BA

Phone: 01304 375816 - Email - Website - Map
Bars & Inns, Restaurants
The Flagship
This is simply an excellent place to spend an evening.

A most hospitable place serving good beers, wine, food, bar snacks when you want them, music on the jukebox with every song you can think of and the service is second to none.

Address: 115 Snargate Street, Dover, Kent, CT17 9DA

Phone: 01304 207467 - Website - Map
Details & Reviews (0)Kent Diesel Centre
Marine Engineers
Marine Diesel Pump Repair and Servicing

Address: 23 Ashford Road, Maidstone, ME14 5dq

Phone: 01622756781 - Email - Website - Map
Details & Reviews (0)Premier Travel Inn
Premier Travel Inn
Premier Travel Inn is the UK's biggest hotel chain with over 480 great locations across the country. We have more hotels in more places, making it easier for you to stay away from home. And wherever you need to stay, at Premier Travel Inn you'll find comfy, well-equipped bedrooms and en suite bathrooms - everything you need. Guaranteed.

Dover Central
Situated in the centre of Dover adjacent to the ferry terminal and 2 minutes from the marina.

Address: Marine Court, Marine Parade, Dover, CT16 1LW

Phone: 0870 990 6516 Fax: 0870 9906517 - Website - Map
Marine Electronics
We have been trading for over 16 years and supply many parts and spares for marine engines and boats. We offer great discounted marine electronics, as well as reconditioning sterndrives.

Address: Dover Marina, Dover, CT17 9DG

Phone: 01304 201073 - Email - Website - Map
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