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Weather & Tides
Tonight - Clear Sky
Minimum: 9C, Wind Direction: South Westerly
Wind: Good 6mph, Pressure: 1019mb, Sunset: 18:36 CET
Friday - Sunny
Maximum: 20C, Minimum: 8C
Wind: 7mph Southerly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: -- , Sunrise: 07:51 CET, Sunset: 18:37 CET
Saturday - Sunny Intervals
Maximum: 18C, Minimum: 8C
Wind: 10mph North Westerly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: -- , Sunrise: 07:50 CET, Sunset: 18:38 CET

No tidal data is available for this location

Amongst the most attractive places on the Costa Blanca, Denia is also a very important harbour with ferry connections to the Balearics and one of the Meds biggest fishing fleets. It also has one of Europe’s most popular marinas, offering international recreational traffic a superb location for stopovers and winter getaways. With more than 400 moorings, a comprehensive range of marine services, sailing and diving schools, craft hire, sales and charters, it is literally the ultimate one-stop shop for yachtsmen of all age and ability.

A hotbed of history and culture, Denia combines its commercial business side with tourism seamlessly, offering the discerning visitor an authentic taste of the good life Spanish style. With a stunning blend of architecture that reflects the town’s prosperity through the ages, Denia is never anything short of fascinating. The shopping is world class with top name brands rubbing shoulders with quality traditional outlets. And when you get peckish during your stroll, you’ll find yourself spoilt for choice, there are so many excellent restaurants, cafes and bars offering a truly international menu between them. Then there is the 20km of beautiful sandy Blue Flag beach to explore and the spectacular 16th century castle overlooking the town that boasts some of the most breathtaking views to be found on the Costa Blanca.

Denia is a town that has made the most of its location in every way. Made prosperous from the sea and building on that success to become one of Spain’s most important commercial centres, it has also exploited its magnificent setting, embracing tourism to the full. Despite all this Denia remains wholly sophisticated and cosmopolitan with a vibrant yet relaxing ambience that few other resorts along the Costa Blanca can equal.
Comments (2)
22/07/2016 @ 7:36 am
Denia Yacht Charters
I thought your readers may be interested in Punter Estrella Charters ( who operate from Denia Marina and Denia Yacht Charters ( who are at El Portet Marina. Both offer great deals on quality yacht charters. As yachting is an integral part of the Costa Blanca, your readers may wish to see the stunning area from the sea with a skippered charter, or bareboat. You have a comment from Stephen Rowan, asking for information where to get an ICC licence. We can help!
25/06/2016 @ 10:11 am
Stephen Rowan
Can you tell me where in Denia I can get water licence to allow me to buy and use a jet ski?

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Details & Reviews (0)Marina de Denia
Marinas, Boat Moorings

Address: Marina de Denia, Darsena de Bapor S/N, Puerto de Denia

Phone: + 34 966 427 307 - Email - Website - Map
