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Weather & Tides
Tonight - Light Cloud
Minimum: 3C, Wind Direction: Easterly
Wind: Good 18mph, Pressure: 1021mb, Sunset: 18:22 CET
Friday - Light Cloud
Maximum: 7C, Minimum: 3C
Wind: 17mph South Easterly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 08:19 CET, Sunset: 18:23 CET
Saturday - Sunny Intervals
Maximum: 7C, Minimum: 2C
Wind: 11mph South Easterly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 08:17 CET, Sunset: 18:25 CET

Tidal data location not found for this port

An important naval base since the nineteenth century, Cherbourg is a city that remains extricable from the sea. Situated in a strategically perfect location, it was Napoleon who had the vision (and the clout) to transform relatively an inferior natural harbour into a major transatlantic port by constructing massive artificial breakwaters. The rest, as they say, is history. Today this former giant of shipbuilding is kept busy with ferries from the UK and international cargo ships. But it isn’t all commerce and tourism. Cherbourg is also one of the most famous venues for competitive sailing and has played host to more than 50 events in the last 20 years, including the prestigious Tall Ships Race, the Tour de France, the Cutty Sark Gathering and the Starmanche.

As you would expect from a port with such an impressive nautical pedigree, Cherbourg is fully equipped to welcome the thousands of visiting members of the pleasure boating fraternity and Chantereyne Marina is nothing less than exceptional. The most important marina on the Channel it has a capacity of 1150 berths with an additional 140 moorings in the outer harbour and a comprehensive selection of superb marine services. There is also a restaurant and bowling alley. The harbour is home to a major new attraction La Cité de la Mer, which combines a huge aquarium with exhibits representing the history and world of undersea exploration.

With excellent shopping and a good choice of places to wine and dine, Cherbourg is always well worth a visit and makes an excellent base for exploring the historic surrounding coastline.
Comments (7)
15/06/2021 @ 11:29 am
we are looking for a Marina for a sailing boat 4 meter draft. Could you give me some information about? thanks a lot
15/02/2019 @ 11:52 am
Harbourguides Crew
We are currently updating our Channel Island guides and we plan to visit Cherbourg and St Malo to add more information to these two guides
14/02/2019 @ 10:55 am
Beryl and Jim
Coming over to Cherbourg this Summer. Are you guys going to be putting more information on?
11/09/2013 @ 7:57 pm
Has anyone seen the 44ft motor cruiser "Bonniemac" lately? It was my Father's boat which his second wife Millie, would go with him.
As any one got a recent pictures, please email
Many thanks
20/07/2012 @ 6:33 pm
Hi, I am living in Cherbourg. That's a couple of years LASCIA FARE is docking here. I have heard that the owner was seek and probably died.
I saw she was for sale at CHERBOURG PLAISANCE boat dealer at Port Chantereyne 50100 Cherbourg. Phone number (33) 2 33 53 27 34 and fax number (33) 2 33 93 75 56.
Hoping it will help you. Let me know about your search. My e-mail is
06/06/2012 @ 8:48 am
david birtles
I saw the boat called LASCIA FARE in cherbourg yesterday and wondered if you could give me details of her and tell me if she is for sale.
09/04/2012 @ 6:06 pm
Henri Du Sonet
Cherbourg's Port Chantereyne now has free WiFi on the pontoons and you can use the showers and sanitation facilities for no charge.There is going to have boat show and much more here towards the end of April 2012. Things are happening here.
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Details & Reviews (0)Chantereyne Marina
To the East, we pass Saint-Vaast, then Barfleur leading on to the Bay of the Seine and the D Day beaches.
To the West, the Anglo-Norman islands are within a stone's throw, then you will have a coastal navigation from Dielette to Granville. Passing through Barneville-Carteret will allow you to sail down to Alderney, Guernsey, Jersey and Sark… Do not forget Chausey, or even further down Saint-Malo.
Cherbourg is the place to start your boat trip, or return from it, stay or continue on to other horizons.
Port Chantereyne awaits your visit.

Address: 49°39 North, 01°38 West

Phone: 0033 2 33 87 65 70 Fax: 0033 2 33 53 21 12 - Email - Website - Map
Details & Reviews (0)Mainbrayce Ltd.
Antifouling, Battery Chargers, Boat Moorings, Boat Builders & Repairs, Boat Transport, Boat Sales-Power, Boat Sales-Yacht, Boat Storage, Boat Valeting, Boatyard, Books & Charts, Chandlery, Grp Repairs/Maintenance, Inflatable Boats, Insurance Repairs, Liferafts & Lifejackets, Marine Breakdown, Marine Clothing, Marine Diesel, Marine Electricians, Marine Engine Sales, Marine Fuel, Mariner, Masts & Rigging, Osmosis Treatments, Outboards, Propellors & Shafts, RIB Repairs, RIB Sales, Sailmakers/Repair, Shipwrights, Suzuki Marine, Tohatsu, Water Taxis, Yacht Agents & Brokers, Yacht Brokers, Yacht Management
Mainbrayce Ltd.
Bienvenue à Mainbrayce d'Aurigny qui a donne 30 ans de service aux plaisanciers et insulaires.
En Décembre 2008 Mainbrayce a gagné les nouveaux propriétaires qui ont commence un programme d'investment et de amélioration des services dans le secteur de port.
La compagnie a maintenu les permis de taxi de l'eau et contrôle la laundrette pour les plaisanciers visitants.
Le magasin est bien approvisionné. Appelez nous (ou e-mail) pour les prix sans T.V.A. pour l'équipement, les carburants (gasoil/essence) hors taxe.
Nous sommes également l'endroit de port pour l'achat de l'alcool et des cigarettes hors taxes.
En espérant de vous accueillir à Aurigny.

Welcome to Mainbrayce of Alderney, who have given 30 years of service to visiting yachtsmen and islanders alike.

Recently Mainbrayce gained new owners who have begun a process of investment into and enhancement of services in the harbour area. The company has retained the Water Taxi License and manages the laundrette for visiting yachtsmen. For those yachtsmen of long standing you can still call on Roland for help and advise.

The Mainbrayce Chandlery based in the inner harbour hold a good stock of rope, paints and yacht and motor boat spares along with some fantastic clothing including the new Holebrook range.. We also provide year round Tax Free fuelling services from the Inner Harbour with the Chandlery also stocking a comprehensive range of lubricants, filters and engine parts.

Call or e-mail Penny at the Chandlery to get quotes on a huge range of Tax free yacht and motorboat spares, as we provide an extensive order now and collect when passing service which will save thousands of pounds and Euro's for a refit or new build yacht.

Mainbrayce also stock a limited line of fishing tackle, however if you are in need of more professional equipment we can call on Mark Harding at Alderney Angling.

Mainbrayce are also the harbour location for the purchase of Duty Free Alcohol and Cigarettes. Make sure you pop into the Chandlery to order your allowances which will be placed on your vessel before sailing by the Water Taxi.

Mainbrayce is also a SeaStart agent and can carry out minor and major engineering work, repairs and refit work on yachts and motorboats. The cranage is up to 16m and or 18mt, please ensure you call for this service.

Alderney is a fantastic destination, with a beautiful harbour and excellent restaurants and we at Mainbrayce will do our best to ensure visiting yachtsmen, RIB owners and motor boaters have a pleasant and problem free visit. Make sure you visit the Mainbrayce Chandlery or call (e-mail) us for services, help and waterborne advise.

Address: Mainbrayce Ltd., Inner Harbour, Braye Alderney, GY9 3DL

Phone: 01481-822772 Fax: 01481-822772 - Email - Website - Mobile: 07781 415420 - Map
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