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Tonight - Light Cloud
Minimum: 8C, Wind Direction: South Westerly
Wind: Good 16mph, Pressure: 1029mb, Sunset: 16:40 GMT
Friday - Light Cloud
Maximum: 10C, Minimum: 8C
Wind: 16mph Southerly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 08:28 GMT, Sunset: 16:42 GMT
Saturday - Light Cloud
Maximum: 11C, Minimum: 8C
Wind: 17mph Southerly, Visibility: Good, Pollution: Low, Sunrise: 08:27 GMT, Sunset: 16:44 GMT

No tidal data is available for this location

Nestled in the southern corner of County Wicklow, Arklow was once one of the busiest ports in Ireland with thriving boat building and sea fishing industries. It still retains its fishing village character and indeed still has a sizeable fishing fleet. Today Arklow boasts a lovely marina with plentiful berths, excellent facilities and a wide range of marine services. The Harbour also runs sea tours along the coast and a summer scuba diving school. Every August bank holiday the harbour comes into its own as Arklow celebrates its maritime festival

The picturesque main street with colourful shop fronts, and ornate lighting is a bustling hub of local activity. Centre stage is taken by the eighteenth-century bridge known as the nineteen arches and is one of the longest stone bridges in Europe. There is a good choice of places to eat and a friendly vibrant pub scene.

Many visitors come to the town for the beautiful North and South beaches and nearby Glogga beach. There is also a superb golf course and excellent sports facilities. Walkering enthusiasts are spoilt for choice both within the town itself and the magnificent surrounding countryside. Amongst the many attractions close to Arklow are Avoca (or Ballykissangle), the famous ‘Meeting of the Waters’, Brittas Bay and Gledalough National Park.

A true family favourite, Arklow is a magical place with plenty going for it. From the wonderful coastline to the beautiful countryside, magnificent buildings to warm hospitality, you really couldn’t ask for more from a relaxing holiday by the sea.
Comments (6)
02/02/2020 @ 9:48 pm
Conor Barron
02/02/2020 @ 9:47 pm
Conor Barron
19/08/2013 @ 7:36 am
Who would of thought i would find MC DONALDS here of all places.Arklow is a lovely place wih a smalpopulation .
03/08/2013 @ 2:04 pm
Solo Sailor
Arklow marina gives you a real Irish welcome!!Niall O Toole is very helpful.
26/06/2013 @ 8:18 am
Malcolm Vent
Went to kitties last night, nice old fashioned place with good food.
21/02/2011 @ 8:47 pm
Two Choices
Stayed there for three weeks in 2008 on start of our trip to the Med great welcome and friendly sailing crowd Thank you all Peter & Lu
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Details & Reviews (0)Woodenbridge Hotel & Lodge
Accommodation, Restaurants
Woodenbridge Hotel & Lodge
If you are looking for a peaceful rural Wicklow escape with award-winning homemade food and a bellyful of laughter, then you’ll like it here.
Set in the stunning Vale of Avoca, we have two accommodation options (separated by a road) — the oldest hotel in Ireland, which dates back to 1608, and the newer riverside lodge.
Which one will you pick for your well deserved break?
Stay at Ireland’s oldest hotel: The Woodenbridge Hotel
The newer riverside lodge?
The Choice is yours

Address: Vale of Avoca, Arklow, Co. Wicklow

Phone: +353 402 35146 Fax: +353 402 35573 - Email - Website - Map
Arklow is a popular fishing and seaport situated at the entrance to the river Avoca. The town has a big reputation with seafaring and the maritime industry.
Arklow Marina is situated on the North Bank of the river, upstream of the commercial quays. The marina has 42 berths in the inner basin and a further 30 berths on river side pontoons. Visitors and vessels over 12m are advised to berth on the riverside pontoons.

Address: North Quay, Arklow, Co. Wicklow

Phone: 087 2588078 - Email - Website - Mobile: 087 2588078 - Map
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