he pleasure of sailing is even greater at the marina in El Masnou, because it offers the distinctive feature of combining leading–edge facilities for your craft with top–class services for you and your family, all in a setting steeped in seafaring tradition and with a history and culture linked closely to the sea.
Our facilities and services
We currently have more than 1,000 moorings for craft between 8 and 22 metres in length, 6,000m2 of space devoted to sailing, 4,000m2 of facilities for dinghy sailing and a fishing harbour with space for 34 vessels. Port Masnou is the benchmark for the whole coastline for the sale of top names, both sailing and motor boats, for nautical services, rigging, electronics, motors and more; because it has the widest range of used craft for sale, being considered the top second–hand market in Spain, and naturally it meets all our customers needs, with excellent restaurants, shops and ancillary services.
The port and its surroundings. As well as the full range of port services, in El Masnou and its surrounding area you can find an endless choice of activities, leisure, eating and so on, with golf courses, tennis clubs, restaurants, music bars, discotheques, shopping, supermarkets and more.
Within easy reach of Barcelona, it enjoys the convenience of fast communications, just 20 minutes from the centre of Barcelona, plus a fascinating natural setting. Port Masnou is in an unsurpassable position; situated at the gateway to the Costa del Maresme, it opens up some of the finest areas in Catalonia and is the ideal point of departure for longer crossings to the Mediterranean’s top destinations.