Marine Leisure Centre

Details & Reviews (0)Marine Leisure Centre
The Marina pond is maintained at a level of 5 metres (16.5ft) above chart datum by means of a sill gate. International Port Traffic Signals and depth gauges show when entry and exit are possible. This can be taken as approximately 3 hours either side of high water, the actual period differing slightly with Springs and Neaps. A digital gauge showing the depth of water (in metres) above the sill gate is situated at the entrance to the Marina
When the Marina is accessible, craft will be directed by the Port Control signals—and also the Harbour Control launches at peak periods—to transit the Commercial harbour and proceed to the area reserved for visiting craft. Craft arriving when the sill gate is closed or when the main harbour is closed to pleasure craft for the movement of commercial shipping, traffic should proceed to the Yacht Basin which is situated on the starboard hand immediately before the Victoria Pierhead. Entry to La Collette Yacht Basin is available at all states of tide but caution should be used during spring tide low water periods where the approach channel fairway buoys should be followed.

Address: New North Quay, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9XF

Phone: +44 (0) 1534 447708/447730 - Email - Website - Map
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